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​"Education is the most powerful weapon which   you can use to change the world". Nelson Mandela

KIDSWORLD INTEGRATED SCHOOL offers programs from Preschool until Grade 10 including Pre-Vocational Programs for Learners with Special Needs (LSEN's).


We offer three modalities for SY 2024-2025 that you can find here


​Pre-K 4 years of age


The program serves as a transition course for young children from the home to the school. Fully aware that a child’s development cannot be rushed, we follow a developmentally appropriate curriculum. 




​Kinder - G6


Kindergarten – for children aged 5 years old. This is the first stage of formal schooling under the DepEd K12 program.


Taking off from our ECD Program, social, emotional, and physical development are further strengthened at this stage.


G1-G6 -Students study: English, Mathematics, Science ,Filipino, Aralin Panlipunan (Social Studies),MAPEH (Music, Art, PE, and Health), Pangkabuhayan – (Home Economics and Livelihood), Pagkatao (Guidance). Progress Reports are rendered three times a year. Parents of children with exceptional needs will have consultations as often as their Individualized Educational Plan (IEP) are due for evaluation.


G7 to G10 ​

We are now accepting students for junior high. This will enable students from the elementary level to continue to the next step in preparation for senior high. 

Multi-Grade/SPED/Pre-Voc/Alternative Delivery Mode (Home School)


​We are committed to provide quality educational opportunities for all students. All our teachers are SPED graduates and we employ a variety of instructional strategies to deliver services to our students. All students with exceptional needs are provided with an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) that targets specific areas of need, i.e. fine motor skills, cognitive skills, communication, and behavior. 


For our differently-abled learners, these students several educational opportunities are provided, such as multi-level classes, pre-vocational programs, and life skills training. Our class size is small with a teacher-student ratio of 1:3. 


Home schooling is one of the services we offer prior to the pandemic. With restrictions still in place, we offer three types of online modalities namely homeschooling, home based online learning and hybrid.


We use the DepEd curriculum and with the help of the parents, students are able to continue their education. 


To know more about our programs, kindly click on these icons below.

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